
Winter Premiere of Takeo & Addie: A True Love Story IS HERE!

I'm working on it!

My First Dynamite Girl Is Sold: Thank You Tabitha:UPDATE

My Sell Page is Back Up!

Bye Fitches.........................................

My Night in Target: I'm Trying So Hard.................................

Should I really post this!

Jett having her Marilyn moment or should I say: My Night with Marilyn

New Monster High Special: Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love

Nikki a.k.a Nina Parker needs a new body!

Setting up the set but People are always in the way!

Twilight Breaking Dawn: Bella and Edward Wedding!

My Moments in 2011: What I would like to do in 2012 and Beyond! If God is willing Part 2

My Moments in 2011: What I would like to do in 2012 and Beyond! If God is willing Part 1