Does anybody like the new blogger?

Is anybody else feeling the new look on Blogger? I'm writing in the new post set up and it feels kind of weird. Let me know your thoughts! 


  1. I'm liking it - especially when making a post. There's more 'room' to do so. It'll take a while to get used to, but I already like the change!

  2. I couldn't get it to load yesterday when I tried. I'll try again and let you know.


  3. I haven't posted from it yet, but had a play in the new stats area. I especially like the 'Reading List' feature as it heaps better than the old little box at the bottom of the page. I think I'll be commenting a lot more on my subscribed blogs. Blogger said they were doing this a long time ago, so I'm glad it's finally rolled out.

  4. Didn't know there was a new one. Guess I'll have to go seek it out.

  5. I like it. It's just gonna take some getting used to.


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