Doing my own doll room!

I've been taking pictures of my dolls since the day I bought my first Digital camera, that was in 2007! All I did was took pictures and did not care if the dolls had furniture or not, however after almost 3 in a half years I wanted to make my photos look more real. I wanted to show my dolls doing every day things, may you remember these photos below
Now I am really ready for the next step which is doing my own doll room. Thank God for Youtube because I would have kept buying useless Barbie furniture.

YouTube has became a place to learn how to do many things, many good things I should say because YouTube does have a lot of junk on their site half of the time but we will not get into that! I came across a YouTube channel called   My Froggy Stuff, I don't know the name of the lady who runs the channel but it is a mother and daughter team who make stuffs from recycled trash which they call recycled crafts! I love the channel so much and I'm so glad I found it because the things I can use in my house could save me so much money!

One of the videos that caught my attention is The Stitched Pocket Video Tutor:Doll Room, just watch the video and you will see it for yourself

Cool video right, I already have everything I need to make 
my doll room and I just have to find the time!


  1. That was so cute! You know I have not been using youtube like I should. I have such a hard time finding anything good. But it is time to get to work! Thanks for the tip!

  2. I like the sound of it, but I forgot my headset. (Am at a public library ... you can imagine the glares I got when "Is your dollhouse getting too small" blared out. I mortify myself, lol.)

    Thanks though. Definitely going to check at home ;-D

  3. @D7ana lololol, oh well let them look! At least it's not porn!

  4. @Dani I found the most wonderful videos at night when I can't sleep! Try it.

  5. @EbonyNicole30 LOL. It was funny because I had accidentally clicked on two other websites with talking and so the dollhouse one was the third.

    And yeah, it wasn't pornography ;-D

  6. Cute video. I looked at one other video and I will go back and see others later. I am anxious to see your new doll room!!! You are not going to find time. It is not lost. Heehee.


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