Sorry about no updates lately, I have been so tired taking a care of a baby (NOT MINE, SOMEONE ELSE) and had a really really bad cold for the past 3 weeks. I got a cold before my birthday and last week Mr. Cold told me he was not done with me just yet! By to the topic, here a a 11 second preview of Twilight Eclipse!
Can you say Team Jake all the way! You would think that I would have the Jake doll by now but, I need to save some money for the doll show next month! I spend almost a $100 dollars on my birthday last month and I need to take a break!
Can you say Team Jake all the way! You would think that I would have the Jake doll by now but, I need to save some money for the doll show next month! I spend almost a $100 dollars on my birthday last month and I need to take a break!
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