Takeo & Addie: A True Love Story: Episode 10: Part 2

I know you can't believe that Episode 10 is here already because I take a month to upload the show! Wonder no more Vanessa because you can get your snacks (healthy snacks) and watch some juicy kind of stuff happen! As of right now I'm working on Episode 11 and things will get really hot and heavy! 

Episode 11 will be the Winter Finale and all new shows are coming back in May 2012, I need a month to really work on this story because a very important character will know who Dai and Annik love child is damn I just gave you the spoiler!


  1. Interesting to see how your story threads are coming together. Can't wait to see what happens in the next episode.

  2. Whoo! The suspense between Dai and Annik is killing me! Can't wait for the next episode! :)

  3. So exciting!! I'm looking forward for the next episode!!

  4. Hello from Spain: I am looking forward to episode 11. In this episode the conversation between Takeo and His uncle Dai is very real. In the previous post I like Nadja's clothes! and the room that you did. A job well done. Keep in touch

  5. In the coming season in May more truths will come out!
    Thank you everyone for watching episode should be up this weekend
    lord knows a bad weekend will make you work hard!

  6. I finally got around to seeing it. Uncle Dai was looking pretty good. I see why Annik indulged. May seems like such a long way off, but I guess it's not. Loved the music, too.

  7. I loved it!! The music was nice and very fitting. Looking forward to the next one.

  8. Great episode!! I been so busy this week so dtoday gave me a chance catch up and this was well worth it.


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