30 Black Dolls I love: Understanding and photos from 23-15

To better understand why I did this list let me explain one more time; On February 19 I turn 30 years old and wanted to be pound of it. I created a list of 30 blacks dolls I love, now I love all my dolls but only picked 30 base on how I feel about each of them. I do plan on doing a small photo-shoot about the ones who did make the list but, still hold a special place in my heart! So far the response to this theme has been very wonderful and TJ and Grace Stats are really growing on flickr.com. Now I will stop talking and continue with 23 though 15.

Back at The B Shop

Integrity PlayLine Tariq and That's So Raven


My Scene Sutton and Madison

So In Style RocaWear Kara

Barbie Basic: Model 10

Colette Grand Arrival and So In Style RocaWear Trichelle
Part 2 Night and Evening is coming later this week so stay Tune!
