Dynamite Girls: The Back to Brooklyn Collection

I have always been a fan of the Dynamite Girls and since 2008 I never went a year without collecting a new doll or an old version! However, this year I think I'm going to pass on all of them! 

I think they all looked like rich kids with their nose up in the air because they can't stand the poor kids walking around on campus! 

Oh Remi what have they done to you?
You all know who Dani is!

 Those tight pants and green shoes 
are hurting my eyes and I want to help him
so bad but I can't!
Again this is my personal opinion so if you want Remi don't let what I have to say stop you, please buy him fast and redress; hurry!


  1. I love Gavin. Just ordered her. :D

  2. Lol, I love Remi's look, but I can absolutely understand how he's not theme appropriate...

    (I like weird colors mixed together though, so the green and yellow are ok with me... even if it is the mucus combination, LOL)

  3. Remi's pants are WAY too tight. You know your pants are too tight when you can see the pocket outline. It's bad enough that there aren't enough male clothes available. Can we please stop making them skin tight! I am not from Brooklyn, so I can't comment on the Brooklyn part. I will say that I LOVE all of the ladies' outfits. All of the pieces are great mix and match pieces. I don't have any Dynamite Girls, and I almost caved on this one.

  4. :(
    Dynamite Girls were bright and freakin cool, now are ordinary. The guys are nice, but, yes, I think I'd redress them

  5. Hello from Spain: I like all of Dynamite Girls dolls. In Spain the shops do not sell and I are new dolls and clothes very real people. Keep in touch.

  6. hahah! Thanks for the shout out! Yeah I was disappointed. Remi without the hat looks terrible. I like, who is it, Jasper? In the dress? That could be sort of an indie, vintage look. And the Neve is kind of giving me a Lana del Rey vibe. But nope, not tempted by a single one!

  7. I did preorder Remi, and yes, he will loose the pants immediately!! Lol! I also plan to paint his blue eyes brown and give him some type of mustache. I do like Jasper but I had to say no to her even though her outfit is too cute.


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