Over 100,000 views, 70 followers and 2 1/2 years later..................

I pass the 100,000 views mark! Can you believe it; it's not a lot but it means so much too me! When I started this blog in 2008 I never thought I will still be here talking about dolls and stuff. I truly wanted to have a site where I can talk about anything and BrooklynStarsForever has become a blog where I can just lay everything on the table.

I'm not sure but I think it was last month when I was reading Collecting Fashion Dolls by Terri Gold and Wilde About Ello blogs, they both talked about how when they started collecting dolls it all started with Barbie, that's pretty much how my story started. 

I had my first Barbie when I was 8 years old but, when I turn 17 I will go to the nearest store and buy Barbies for $5.00 dollars. Skip to the year 2007 and DSL is so much better to use than Dail-up; I came across so many doll forums and blogs. I truly believed that I was the only one collecting Fashion dolls and you know when you discover that Baribe is not the only chick out there, that's when your eyes wonder.

I just want to thank eveyone for reading my bad grammer and sometimes miss spelled words, I wish we all can sit down one day and have some serious playtime!

Love EbonyNicole


  1. Congratulations on over 100,000 views! Like you, I too, started my collection with Barbie....and now, there are just so much more dolls to talk about!

  2. Thank you guys, I will keep up the good work!


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